Version 2¶
Version 2.3.2¶
- 234 As part of the preparation of the plugin for certification, this version includes standard Netbox unittest for model views. Correction to data import are also present as well.
Version 2.3.1¶
- 219 Fix - netbox 4.2 non editable field for gfk
Version 2.3.0¶
[!WARNING] Accounting dimension json field removed. It is deprecated since v2.2.0. Refer to the documentation
- 206 remove deprecated json accounting dimention field
- Add background color to status
- Script - fix check_contract_end with empty end date
- minor fix
Version 2.2.11¶
- 202 Fix django.template.exceptions when trying to open device detail.
Version 2.2.10¶
- 198 Add internationalization support and french translation.
- 196 Add notice field to contract. Add an example custom script to report contract nearing cancelation notice.
- minor fix and cleanup
Version 2.2.8¶
- 167 Add selector to object dynamic selection box.
- 193 Set the first currency in the choiceset as default currency.
Version 2.2.7¶
- fix migration dependency
Version 2.2.6¶
- 186 Code compatibility fix for Netbox 4.1
Version 2.2.5¶
- Generally improve filtering options
- 178 Add the possibility to filter on invoice number, and contract name through the API.
- 176 Order accounting dimensions in tables alphabetically.
- 171 It is now possible to define madatory accounting dimension by specifying their names in the 'mandatory_dimensions' list in the plugin settings. (see the "Customize the plugin" paragraph in the file)
Version 2.2.4¶
- 166 Review the Contract view to include invoice template details and lines.
- 161 Change the invoice block title if the invoice is a template.
- 160 Add more fields to the invoice and contract bulk edit forms.
- 165 Fix Invoice and invoiceline creation through api.
Version 2.2.3¶
- Fix accounting dimensions access through Dynamic Object Fields
- Fix invoice creation from contract.
- Add scripts to convert accounting dimensions in the json fields of contract and invoices to invoice template, invoicelines and dimensions objects.
Version 2.2.2¶
- 154 Fix edit and delete bulk operations on dimensions and invoice lines.
- 153 Enforce uniquness of accounting dimensions.
- Adds a status ( Active or Inactive ) to accounitng dimensions.
- 151 Fix accounting line and dimensions search.
Version 2.2.1¶
- 142 Gives the option to enter contract yearly recuring costs instead of only monthly recuring costs. Corresponding value is used to calculate the invoices amount without rounding approximations.
- 148 Update tables format to match the new Netbox UI design.
Version 2.2.0¶
- 140 Add the "Invoice line" and "Accounting dimension" models. In order to simplify invoices creation, it is possible to selsct one invoice as the template for each contract; Its accounting lines will automatically be copied to the new invoices for the contract. The amount of the first line will be updated so that the sum of the amount for each invoice line match the invoice amount.
Version 2.1.2¶
- 127 Fix service provider creation issue
- Fix contract assignement issue
Version 2.1.0¶
- Netbox v4 compatibility. Netbox4.0.2 become a minimum requirement
Version 2.0.14¶
- 127 Fix contract filtering
- Fix contact assignement.
Version 2.0.13¶
- 123 prepare plugin to Netbox 4.0 migration.
- 125 Cleanup direct reference to Circuits in the Contract model. Correct database inconsistencies related to the ContractAssignment object renaming.
Version 2.0.11¶
- 115 API correction for contract external partie
- 117 Tenant and accounting dimensions optional
- 119 Add a Yearly recuring cost, read only, calculated field for contract
- 15 Quick serach limited to active contracts
Version 2.0.10¶
Version 2.0.9¶
- 42 Allow the selection of either providers or Service providers as contract third partie.
- Removed all reference to the direct assignement of circuits to contracts
- 88 Add a placeholder value to the accounting dimensions jsonfield. This placeholder vale con be configured as part of the PLUGINS_CONFIG parameter in the file (see above)
- 89 add the posibility to link contracts to sites and virtual machines.
- 99 list child contracts in on the parent view.
Version 2.0.8¶
- #91 Replace deprecated ( in netbox version 3.6) MultipleChoiceField.
- 48 Allow other plugin to inject visual in contract and invoice forms.
- [89] ( Add contract assignement to virtual machines.
Version 2.0.7¶
- #85 Fix missing fields contract and invoice import and export forms.
Version 2.0.6¶
- #80 Fix missing fields in the API.
Version 2.0.5¶
- #75 Fix contract assignement for service providers.
- #73 Add comment field to contract import form
- #72 Add fields to the contract assignement bottom tables
- Remove the 'add' actions from the contract assignment list view
Version 2.0.4¶
- Add bulk update capability for contract assignement
- #63 Correct an API issue on the invoice object.
- #64 Add hierarchy to contract; New parent field created.
- #65 Add end date to contact import form.
- Removed the possibility of add or modify circuits to contracts. The field becomes read only and will be removed in next major release.
- Make accounting dimensions optional.
Version 2.0.3¶
- #60 Update contract quick search to also filter on fields "External reference" and "Comments".
- #49 Manage permissions.
Version 2.0.2¶
Add support for Netbox 3.5 which become the minimum version supported to accomodate the removal of NetBoxModelCSVForm class (replaced by NetBoxModelImportForm) .
Version 2.0.1¶
Add support contract assignement panel to devices.
Version 2.0.0¶
Add a new contract asignement model to allow the assignement of contract not only to Circuits. The support for the direct Contract to Circuit relation will be removed in version 2.1.0 . In Order to migrate existing relations script is provided and can be run from the django shell.